Comfort Shows to Help Calm Anxiety

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It’s hard to throw a rock these days and not hit someone who suffers from anxiety. Actually, it’s more likely that you could never actually do that— we just have the luxury of modern medicine and a blissfully more mental-health-aware society. However, everyone deals with their demons differently. Personally, when I’m feeling anxious, or need to unwind in general, I have go-to TV shows to help. My list of comfort shows to help calm anxiety is full of my favourite, familiar titles.

When I’m feeling anxious or uncertain, I struggle to watch new shows or even read new books. The uncertainty of what will happen in the story exacerbates my uncertainty around whatever is causing the anxiety. Cuddling up in warm blankets, lighting a candle, and watching something “predictable” has been a great stress reliever for me for many years.

I thought today I’d share my personal comfort shows to help calm anxiety, in case you’re looking for some to add to your own list! Let me know in the comments if you’re going to give any of these titles a try, or if they’re already on your list!

1. Friends

No words of a lie, I’ve seen Friends in its entirety over two dozen times. Possibly close to three, but I’ve stopped counting at this point. It has annoyed many people in my life, but fortunately I’m marrying a man who doesn’t mind falling asleep to it almost every night. #hesmylobster

I’m consistently enamoured with the characters, the friendships, the coziness, and the debate that still comes up naturally in conversation about it. And yes, Ross and Rachel were on a break. Hell, she even told Monica they’d broken up!

2. How I Met Your Mother

Okay, okay. I know this one is basically Friends a decade later. The storylines are crazy similar, but the more “contemporary” version of it plays a little more into my age group. Plus, when you watch Friends as often as I do, it’s nice to change things up with different characters, even if I’m not feeling like changing shows completely.

3. The Big Bang Theory

This one is nostalgic for me largely because when I lived with my mom, she’d record it on the PVR. There were always recorded episodes to go and watch. I mean, sure, we have streaming services now, but it wasn’t until this last year that I finished the series, because the final few seasons weren’t on Crave!

Plus, I think it’s incredibly entertaining when we’re watching something like Jeopardy and know the answer to a science question because Sheldon Cooper said it.

4. The Office

Jim and Pam. Do I need to say any more?

Okay, fiiiiiine. Honestly, the development of Dwight and Jim’s friendship is so heartwarming. And it’s a nice reminder that making friends through your workplace can lead to lifelong friends.

I could do without the season with Will Ferrell in it though.

5. The Great British Baking Show

I mentioned in a previous post that I’m a home baker, so this one is a no-brainer for me. I much preferred the earlier seasons with Mary Berry though— she is iconic. Paul Hollywood seems to have given up on the serious side of the show, and it’s starting to lose its steam in many ways.

Honourable mention is required here to The Great Canadian Baking Show. I do love that one too, but the British version does a better job entertainment-wise.

6. Any of John Mulaney’s Netflix specials, except Sack Lunch Bunch

Sack Lunch Bunch just rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t think I even laughed aloud until the last five minutes of it.

The Tall Child’s other specials, however, never fail to bring a smile to my face. I even have a little stuffed duckling in my office that I affectionately named Mulaney.


Even though game shows are 99% of the time new watches to me, I find peace in the fact that nothing genuinely bad is going to happen. Sure, I feel a ton of empathy when I’m sure someone deserving is going to win something, and then they don’t, but it’s not a huge deal.

Recently we’ve binge-watched some Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud and currently we’re watching The Chase.

8. Parks and Recreation

Lesley Knope is just so pure. She is such a funny, kind-hearted character, and watching her try to make a name for herself in Pawnee and beyond is always worth a re-watch. Also, Ron Swanson is a mood unto himself.

9. Avatar: The Last Airbender

I hadn’t heard of this show, let alone watched it, until my early twenties. I adored it immediately. Aang and Katara broke me from my creative hibernation at the time, and I feel like I owe them for that. This one is a guilty pleasure kid’s show, for sure.

10. Shadowhunters

As a huge fan of Cassandra Clare’s novels, Shadowhunters had to make this list. The Infernal Devices trilogy is superior to The Mortal Instruments series in my opinion, but I don’t think we’ll ever see Jem, Will, and Tessa come to life in live-action form.

I was wary of Shadowhunters given the lack of success from The Mortal Instruments movie (which had its flaws, for sure). I was pleasantly surprised to find it had a unique spin on the novel’s original story, so it’s like having more of a series I already loved!

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it! My top ten comfort shows to help calm anxiety.

I’ve felt embarrassed in the past about the fact that I so rarely watch new shows, but the more we talk about mental health in daily life, the more I’m realizing I am so very far from alone in this. We all need assurance when we’re feeling uncertain. A vice can be very helpful for this. While some opt for less savoury substances, I opt to find solace in the form of sitcoms and mindless television.

Sure, it may get incredibly annoying to some people, but those aren’t my people. At least it’s better than meth!

What do you turn to when you’re feeling anxious and uncertain about life, the universe, and everything? Let me know in the comments below!

I hope this post has helped you realized that you aren’t alone in these habits, either.

It’s a good day to have a good day!

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