Coping with Self-Doubt

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Coping with self-doubt is a delicate balance. How many times have you thought about writing, or starting a blog, or learning to play an instrument, and thought “I’m not good enough” and decided you’d might as well not even try? 

I’ll bet you anything that it’s been too many times. I know that’s the case for me. 

Coping with self-doubt/imposter syndrome/self-worth issues can be extremely daunting, but I’m going to share some tips I learned recently that I wish I’d known about sooner, and hopefully, they’ll help you too! 

1. Treat the little voice inside your head like it’s your younger self.

If your five-year-old self were looking around the room, terrified, and said “I can’t do this, I need my mommy,” would you comfort and encourage them, or tell them they’re right, and that they can’t do anything? 

Five-year-old Meghan no longer has the luxury of running the life of her 27-year-old counterpart. I’m not maternal by any means, but I’m whipping that kid into shape now— so to speak. Please don’t misinterpret that! 

2. Positive affirmations actually work.

Take a pen and paper and physically write down the things you say to yourself. Then write a positive way to combat that. Repeat these affirmations every morning, night, or whenever you feel you need a reminder. 

Example: “I’m not smart enough to build a website” becomes “I’m going to learn how to build a website!” Not bad, huh? Case in point! 

3. It doesn’t matter if the market you’re interested in is oversaturated.

Put your unique mark on whatever you want to do. Build it, and they will come. 

Example: How many self-help/motivational/inspirational websites exist out there? LOADS. I’m banking on myself here, and hoping that someone finds my sense of humour and my newly adopted attitude of “fuck off, five-year-old Meghan, I’m getting shit done over here. Have a lollipop“ is going to resonate with some people. Finding your passion will help you create a niche. 

No one can do what you want to do quiiiiitttteee the same way. You’re unique and kick-ass, and don’t let the demons get you down. 

PHEW. Okay. That’s my top three. I promise, more will come, but my coffee is getting cold. 

Feeling inspired yet? Shut up, and go write. Xoxo. 

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